Step-by-Step Configuration Manual

1. Configure Community Parameters

In the community parameters tab, we can manage many important options related to our community.

First of all, we need to define if it is a public community, everyone can see its contents, or a private community, only those registered and logged in can see it.
And whether anyone is allowed to register to the community, or only those that receive an invite from admin.

Then you can upload from here the logo of your community (preferably with transparent background).

You can also configure here which sections will be active in your community: Politics, Economy and/or Social.

You could change the maximum points that a user can distribute in each Vontest and the maximum number he can allocate to each specific answer.

By default these values are 10 and 4. We don’t recommend changing them unless you have a clear reason.

That’s it, remember to save any changes you made.

2. Consider changing the Background Color

Be careful with this, as some elements could be hidden if you pick a dark color, but you may try it on your site going to
Appearance > Customize > 
Additional CSS


There use the following command (substitute with the hex code of whatever color you choose): 

3. Consider Importing Sample Content

A quick way to get started is to import Autogov’s Sample Content and then modify, delete and add more from there. To do that, in your WP Dashboard go to:
Tools -> Import tab and click on Install Now

After Install Now, click and browse and upload the file we sent you. Then click Upload to save.

4. Create (or modify if you imported sample content) new Political Topics

In your WordPress Dashboard go to Questions > Questions Topics > Add new
Although new Topics can only be created by an Admin (Position) from the dashboard, the Position holder should create an ongoing* Vontest so that all members can suggest and decide about Topics.

* Ongoing Vontest = it renews immediately after each votography/resolution

5. Create some new Vontests

Go to Politics > Carrusel Menu > Create Vontest
Normal, Tasks, Positions

6. Create a few Resolutions



7. Create Economy Categories

8. Creates sample Services

9. Create some sample groups

10. Consider changing The Game/Applauds points rules

11. Write some About This Community pages

12. Consider Installing optional Autogov Addons

Invite, Needs, Bookings

13. Consider Installing optional WordPress plugins

WP Meetings, WordProof TimeStamp (Blockchain transparency), GTranslate, Jetpack, YOAST, SocialShare, BuddyPress Docs, etch

14. How to create a Basic Income